Fee Waiver Request {MC 20} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

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Fee Waiver Request {MC 20} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 9/5/2024

Fee Waiver Request {MC 20}

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MC 20 - FEE WAIVER REQUEST. This form is used to request that court filing fees be waived due to financial hardship. Individuals can request a fee waiver if they meet specific criteria, such as receiving public assistance, being represented by a legal aid program, or demonstrating an inability to pay due to low income. The form requires the requester to provide details about their income, household size, and financial obligations. If the request is granted, the court waives the filing fees. If denied, the individual has 14 days to pay the fees or request a review of the denial. If this request is filed by a prisoner, a certified statement of the prisoner’s trust account showing a current balance and a 12-month history of deposits and withdrawals must accompany this form. After you receive a decision on your request, you must serve your request and the decision on the other party(ies). MCR 2.002. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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