Order For Transfer Of Jurisdiction {MC 316j} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

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Order For Transfer Of Jurisdiction {MC 316j} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 7/28/2023

Order For Transfer Of Jurisdiction {MC 316j}

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MC 316j - ORDER FOR TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION. This form is used in Michigan to transfer jurisdiction of a case from one court to another court. The form is used when the court finds that jurisdiction is either proper or improper, and it specifies the reason for the change in jurisdiction. The form includes information about the case filing date, service details, and the reason for the transfer. It also includes instructions for payment of filing fees and compensation if applicable. Additionally, the form provides details on preparing case records for transfer and forwarding any jury fee that has been paid to the receiving court. If the order lacks the necessary information, the form includes a Notice of Refusal of Transfer section, stating that the case is returned to the transferring court for a proper order. Approved, SCAO. MCR 2.226, MCR 2.227, MCR 4.002, MCR 5.101(C). www.FormsWorkflow.com

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