Motion To Set Aside Forfeiture And Discharge Of Bond And Notice Of Hearing {MC 399} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

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Motion To Set Aside Forfeiture And Discharge Of Bond And Notice Of Hearing {MC 399} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 8/31/2022

Motion To Set Aside Forfeiture And Discharge Of Bond And Notice Of Hearing {MC 399}

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The State of Michigan THE PEOPLE OF þ en-US en-US en-USven-USDefendant name, address, and telephone no.en-USCTNen-USSIDen-USDOBen-USName and address of surety or other depositor posting bond en-USOffense(s)en-US*Amount of bail bond forfeiteden-US$en-USDate of forfeiture judgmenten-USTYPE OF BOND: en-US Personal recognizanceen-US en-US 10% bond* en-US Cash Surety* þ en-US Real property 1. þ The above bond was forfeited and a judgment of $ en-US en-US was paid to the court on en-USDateen-US , þ within 56 days of the entry of the forfeiture judgment. 2. þ The defendant was apprehended by en-US en-US on en-USDateen-US and þ þ is incarcerated at en-US en-US . en-US(Proof of apprehension/incarceration is attached.) þ þ is not incarcerated. 3. þ The ends of justice have not been thwarted. 4. þ I request that the forfeiture order be set aside and that the judgment amount of $ en-US en-US , minus the costs, be þ returned to en-USName of surety or other depositoren-US . en-USDate þ en-USSignature of surety/depositor/attorneyen-USA hearing on the above motion will be held on en-USDateen-US at en-USTimeen-US at en-USLocationen-US . en-USDate þ en-USSignatureen-USIf you require special accommodations to use the court because of disabilities or if you require a foreign language interpreter to en-UShelp you fully participate in court proceedings, please contact the court immediately to make arrangements.en-USI certify that on this date I served a copy of this motion and notice of hearing on the parties or their attorneys and the surety or en-USother depositor by first-class mail addressed to their last-known addresses as defined by MCR 2.107(C)(3). en-USDate þ en-USSignatureen-USMOTION en-USNOTICE OF HEARING en-USCERTIFICATE OF MAILING American LegalNet, Inc.

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