Taxation Of Costs {MC 24} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Taxation Of Costs {MC 24} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 6/1/2022

Taxation Of Costs {MC 24}

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Approved, SCAO STATE OF MICHIGAN CASE NO. JUDICIAL DISTRICT TAXATION OF COSTS JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Court address Court telephone no.Plaintiffs name, address, and telephone no. Defendants name, address, and telephone no. v Plaintiffs attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no. Defendants attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no. BILL OF COSTS 1. Proceeding before trial $ 10. Clerk fee $ 2. Motion resulting in dismissal (or judgment)$ 11. Service fees, mileage, etc. $ 3. Trial of action (or proceeding) $ 12. Cost of taking depositions $ 4. Judgment taken by default $ 13. Cost of cert. copies and exemplifications$ 5. Entry fee $ 14. Witness fees (see affidavit on reverse) $ 6. Jury fee $ 15. Statutory attorney fees $ 7. Court reporter/recorder fee $ 16. Mediation sanctions, MCR 2.403(O) $ 8. Judgment fee $ 17. Other: $ 9. Trial fee $ TOTAL BILL OF COSTS: $ A list of the names and addresses of the attorneys for each party or the names and addresses of parties not represented by attorneys is on the reverse side. VERIFICATION The items charged in this bill are correct and were necessarily incurred in this action. The services for which fees are charged were actually performed. Date Signature CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that on this date copies of this bill of costs and attached affidavits were served on the parties or their attorneys by ordinarymail at their last known addresses. Date Signature MC 24 (8/89) TAXATION OF COSTS MCR 2.625<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 AFFIDAVIT NAME Party RESIDENCE DAYS MILESWitnesses listed above who are parties to this action testified on the days listed and traveled the stated miles. All other witnessesattended on the days listed and traveled the stated miles. Date Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me on , County, Michigan. Date My commission expires: Signature: Date Court clerk/Notary public ATTORNEYS FOR EACH PARTY AND PARTIES NOT REPRESENTED BY ATTORNEYS (List the names and addresses of the attorneys for each party or of parties not represented by attorneys below) TAXING OF COSTS AND CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I have examined the bill of costs on the reverse side and any objections or affidavits which were submitted. I have stricken allunnecessary charges. I certify that on this date copies of the bill of costs, as taxed by me, were served on the parties or their attorneys by ordinary mailat their last known addresses. Date Court clerk

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