Motion And Verification Of Alternate Service {MC 303} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Motion And Verification Of Alternate Service {MC 303} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 10/25/2024

Motion And Verification Of Alternate Service {MC 303}

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MC 303 - MOTION AND VERIFICATION FOR ALTERNATE SERVICE. This form is used in Michigan courts when a plaintiff is unable to serve legal documents to a defendant through standard methods. This situation may arise if the defendant cannot be located at their last known address or if service attempts have failed. The form requires the plaintiff to provide information about their efforts to serve the defendant, including the defendant's last known home and business addresses. The plaintiff must also indicate whether they believe these addresses are current and describe the attempts made to ascertain the defendant's current location. By submitting this form, the plaintiff requests the court's permission to serve the defendant through alternative means, which might include methods like posting the notice at a designated location or serving a family member or another adult at the defendant's residence. The verification section must be completed by the process server, detailing their attempts to serve the documents, including dates, places, and the outcomes of those attempts. MCR 2.105.

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