OAQ Process Information Application PI-04 Hot Or Cold Mix Asphalt Plants {52544} | | Indiana

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OAQ Process Information Application PI-04 Hot Or Cold Mix Asphalt Plants {52544} |  | Indiana

Last updated: 4/11/2007

OAQ Process Information Application PI-04 Hot Or Cold Mix Asphalt Plants {52544}

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Indiana Department of Environmental Management Office of Air Quality Air Permit Application Page 1 of 4 PI-04 Instructions 5/2006 PROCESS INFORMATION: Hot or Cold Mix Asphalt Plants ­ INSTRUCTIONS Microsoft Word version of PI-04 Adobe PDF version of PI-04 The purpose of PI-04 (state form 52544) is to obtain detailed information about the hot or cold asphalt production process. Complete one form for each process unit (or group of identical process units). PI-04 is a required form for all air permit applications submitted to IDEM, OAQ. For the purposes of this form, the term "source" refers to the plant as a whole and NOT to the individual emissions units. If you do not provide the enough information to adequately describe the process, the application process may be stopped. If you have any questions, contact the Air Permit Reviewer of the Day (PROD) at (317) 233-0178 or 1-800-451-6027 extension 3-0178 (toll free call within Indiana). Part A: Hot or Cold Mix Asphalt Plant Process Information Part A identifies the asphalt production process. If there are multiple units that are identical in nature, capacity, and use, you may use one form to summarize the data for the identical units. 1. Unit ID: Provide the identification number for the unit. The identification number listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams. 2. Installation Date: Provide the date on which the unit was installed. If the exact date is not known, provide the month and year of the installation. If the unit has not yet been installed, provide the anticipated installation date. If the unit has been modified or reconstructed since the original installation, include the most recent modification/reconstruction date. 3. How many identical units are identified in this form? Indicate whether this form identifies one process unit, or a number of identical process units. Identical units must be of the same type, process capacity, and installation date. If there is more than one identical unit, specify the number of units in the space provided. 4. Type of Asphalt Plant Processing Unit: Place a check on the appropriate box to indicate the type of asphalt plant. Batch: Check "batch" if your plant employs a type of aggregate blending allowing the aggregate to drop from one or more large bins to weigh hoppers. Asphalt is added to the mixture contained in the hoppers. This process enables the operator to control the desired aggregate size. Drum: Check "drum " if your plant employs a type of aggregate blending in which all aggregate proportioning is done on a volumetric basis, along with asphalt, into the rotary drum. This process uses proportioning feed controls in place of hot aggregate storage bins, vibrating screens and the mixer. o o Counter flow- Check "counter flow" if the aggregate and the exhaust gases move through the drum in opposite directions. Parallel- Check "parallel" if the aggregate and the exhaust gases move through the drum in the same direction. Other: If your plant type is different than Batch or Drum-mix, specify the type of asphalt plant you operate. 5. Plant Capacity: Provide the maximum amount of process material which your plant can process in units of tons per hour (tons/hr). 6. Heat Input Rate of Burner: Provide the heat input capacity of the burner in million British thermal units per hour (MMBtu/hr). This should just be the aggregate dryer burner capacity. If you have other combustion units, such as fuel oil heaters, asphalt heaters, or space heater, submit separate PI-02 forms for each unit. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com Indiana Department of Environmental Management Office of Air Quality Air Permit Application Page 2 of 4 PI-04 Instructions 5/2006 7. Fuel Used: Specify whether natural gas is used as the only process fuel. If a fuel other than natural gas is used, complete the PI02 form for the combustion process and include Form PI-02f to identify all fuels used for the process. Part B: Asphalt Plant Raw Materials Part B identifies all raw materials used in this process. 8. Raw Material: List each type of raw material used in this process. 9. Maximum Throughput: Provide the maximum throughput of each raw material, expressed in tons per hour (tons/hr). Part C: Asphalt Emulsification Information Part C identifies the use of emulsified (cutback) asphalt. 10. Will emulsified (cutback) asphalt be used? Emulsified asphalt is a mixture of asphalt and water that contains a small amount of an emulsifying agent. Check "Yes" if the plant uses, or will use, emulsified (cutback) asphalt. If yes, complete this section and continue to fill out the rest of the form. If no, skip this section and continue to Part D. 11. Emulsifying Agent Components: List all of the emulsifying agent components. 12. Weight Percent VOC: For each emulsifying agent component, provide the volatile organic compound (VOC) content in percent by weight (%). 13. Weight Percent HAP: For each emulsifying agent component, provide the hazardous air pollutant (HAP) content in percent by weight (%). If your emulsifying agent contains more HAPs than the provided space allows, continue listing the HAP data on another page. 14. Maximum Usage: For each emulsifying agent component, provide the maximum usage amount in units of pounds per hour (lbs/hr) 15. Duration of Addition: For each batch plant, provide the duration of time, in seconds, that each emulsifying agent component is added. Part D: Emission Factors Part D identifies the emission factors used to calculate air emissions from this process. 16. Air Pollutant: For each process identified, list each air pollutant emitted to the atmosphere during normal operation. If there are multiple pollutants for an process, use a new row for each pollutant. 17. Emission Factor: Provide the relevant emission factor including the appropriate units (e.g., lb/units, lbs/ton, lbs/gal, lbs/cf, etc.). 18. Source of Emission Factor: Provide the source of the emission factors. Common sources include AP-42, stack test data, engineering analysis. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has developed a Clearinghouse for Inventories & Emission Factors containing AP-42 and other emission factors. Appendix A of AP-42 lists several common conversion factors that may be needed to calculate potential to emit. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com Indiana Department of Environmental Management Office of Air Qual

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