Air Permit Application Form Checklist {51607} | | Indiana

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Air Permit Application Form Checklist {51607} |  | Indiana

Last updated: 4/11/2007

Air Permit Application Form Checklist {51607}

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AIR PERMIT APPLICATION ­ FORMS CHECKLIST State Form 51607 (R3 / 10-05) INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IDEM - Office of Air Quality - Permits Branch 100 N. Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204 Telephone: (317) 233-0178 or Toll Free: 1-800-451-6027 x30178 (within Indiana) Facsimile Number: (317) 232-6749 NOTES: · · · The purpose of this checklist is to help the applicant and IDEM, OAQ ensure that the air permit application packet is administratively complete. This checklist is a required form. Check the appropriate box indicating whether each application form is applicable for the current permit application. The source must submit only those forms pertinent to the current permit application. Place this checklist between the cover sheet and all subsequent forms and attachments that encompass your air permit application packet. Part A: General Source Data Applicable? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Form ID Title of Form State Form Number When should this form be included in my application packet? COVER CHECKLIST Application Cover Sheet Forms Checklist General Source Data Plant Layout Diagram Process Flow Diagram Stack / Vent Information Emissions Unit Information Particulate Emissions Summary Criteria Pollutant Emissions Summary HAP Emissions Summary Summary of Additional Information Insignificant Activities Alternative Operating Scenario Affidavit of Nonapplicability Affidavit of Applicability Owners and Occupants Notified Government Officials Notified Renewal Checklist 50639 51607 50640 51605 51599 51606 51610 51612 51602 51604 51611 51596 51601 51600 51603 51609 51608 51755 Include for every application, modification, and renewal, including source specific operating agreements (SSOA). Include for every application, modification, and renewal, including SSOA. Include for every application, modification, and renewal. Include for every new source application, and modification. Include one for every process covered by the application. Include for every new source application, and modification. Include for every process covered by the application. Include if the process has particulate emissions (PM). Include if the process has criteria pollutant emissions. Include if the process has hazardous air pollutant emissions (HAP). Include if the additional information is included. Include if there are unpermitted insignificant activities. Include if an AOS is requested. Include if the standard notification requirements do not apply. Include if the standard notification requirements apply. Include if the standard notification requirements apply. Include if the standard notification requirements apply. Include with every operating permit renewal packet. GSD-01 GSD-02 GSD-03 GSD-04 GSD-05 GSD-06 GSD-07 GSD-08 GSD-09 GSD-10 GSD-11 GSD-12 GSD-13 GSD-14 GSD-15 RENEWAL Page 1 of 6 American LegalNet, Inc. Indiana Department of Environmental Management Office of Air Quality State Form 51607 (R3 / 10-05) Air Permit Application Forms Checklist Page 2 of 6 Part B: Process Information Applicable? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Form ID Title of Form State Form Number When should this form be included in my application packet? AEF-01 PI-01 PI-02 PI-03 PI-04 PI-05 PI-06 PI-07 PI-08 PI-09 PI-10 PI-11 PI-12 PI-13 PI-14 PI-15 PI-16 PI-17 PI-18 PI-19 PI-20 PI-21 PI-22 PI-23 PI-24 PI-25 PI-26 Alternate Emission Factor Request Incineration Combustion Storage and Handling of Bulk Material Asphalt Plants Brick / Clay Products Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine Gas Turbine Engines Concrete Batchers Degreasing Dry Cleaners Foundry Operations Grain Elevators Lime Manufacturing Liquid Organic Compound Storage Portland Cement Manufacturing Printing Operations Sand and Gravel Processes Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Surface Coating Woodworking / Plastic Machining On-site Soil Remediation Fugitive Emissions / Vehicle Traffic Pneumatic Blasting Reinforced Plastics / Composites Welding / Cutting of Metal Miscellaneous Processes 51860 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Submit if you are requesting to use an emission factor other than AP-42. Include one form for each incinerator or combustor (unless SSOA). Include one form for each combustion unit (unless SSOA). Include if the process involves the storage and handling of bulk materials. Include for each asphalt plant process (unless general permit). Include for each brick / clay products process. Include one form for each internal combustion engine (unless SSOA). Include one form for each turbine (unless SSOA). Include for each concrete batcher (unless SSOA). Include for each degreasing process (unless SSOA). Include for each dry cleaning process Include for each foundry process Include for each grain elevator (unless SSOA). Include for each lime manufacturing process. Include if the process involves the storage of liquid organic compounds. Include for each Portland cement manufacturing process. Include for each surface coating or printing process (unless SSOA). Include for each sand or gravel process (unless SSOA). Include if the process involves nonmetallic mineral processing. Include for each surface coating or printing process (unless SSOA). Include for each woodworking or plastic machining process (unless SSOA). Include for each soil remediation process. Use GSD-06 to submit this information. Include for each pneumatic blasting process (unless SSOA). Include for each reinforced plastics / composites process. Include for each welding process. Include one form for each process for which there is not a specific PI form. American LegalNet, Inc. Indiana Department of Environmental Management Office of Air Quality State Form 51607 (R3 / 10-05) Air Permit Application Forms Checklist Page 3 of 6 Part B: Process Information Applicable? Y Y Y Y N N N N Form ID Title of Form State Form Number When should this form be included in my application packet? PI-27 PI-28 PI-29 PI-30 Fugitive VOC / HAP Emissions Mechanical Blasting Electroplating Operations Chromium Electroplating and Anodizing Operations None None None None Use GSD-06, GSD-07, & GSD-08 to submit this information. Include for each mechanical blasting process (unless SSOA). Include for each electroplating process.

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