AES-05 Group Process Emissions Information {52056} | | Indiana

 Indiana   Statewide   Department Of Enviromental Management   Air 
AES-05 Group Process Emissions Information  {52056} |  | Indiana

Last updated: 4/16/2007

AES-05 Group Process Emissions Information {52056}

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AES ­ 05 GROUP/PROCESS/EMISSIONS INFORMATION State Form 52056 (3-05) INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IDEM - Office of Air Quality Technical Support and Modeling Section ­ Mail Code 61-51 100 N. Senate Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251 Telephone: (317) 233-0178 or Toll Free: 1-800-451-6027 x30178 (within Indiana) NOTES: · Please complete this information for Groups, Processes, and Process Emissions information. A group means any combination of like emissions units or processes from a single building, adjacent buildings, or areas. Like emissions units or processes will contain emission units with same or similar emission estimating methods or source classification codes. · All information is required to be complete. · Please use additional forms as needed when reporting groups / processes and emissions information. a.) Group Number: Operating Schedule d.) Hours/Day: Section 8: Group Information b.) Description: c.) ORIS Unit Code: e.) Days/Week: f.) Weeks/Year: j.) 3rd Qtr. (%): g.) Total Hours/Year: k.) 4th Qtr. (%): Quarterly Operating Schedule (Must Equal 100%) h.) 1st Qtr. (%): i.) 2nd Qtr. (%): l.) Design capacity: m.) Design Capacity Numerator: n.) Design Capacity Denominator: n.) Maximum Capacity (if applicable): Section 9: Process Information b.) Description: d.) Units: f.) Process Rate (Throughput): h.) Sulfur Content (%): j.) Maximum Operation Rate (Units/Hour): l.) Capture Efficiency: Section 10: Emissions Information b.) Estimation c.) Emission Method Factor a.) Process Number: c.) Source Classification Code: e.) Stack Number: g.) Ash Content (%): i.) Heat Ratio: k.) Abatement Equipment ID: a.) Pollutant Pollutant Description d.) Overall Control Efficiency e.) Emissions (tons) American LegalNet, Inc.

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