OAQ Control Equpiment Application CE-08 Organics Condenser {52625} | | Indiana

 Indiana   Statewide   Department Of Enviromental Management   Air 
OAQ Control Equpiment Application CE-08  Organics Condenser  {52625} |  | Indiana

Last updated: 8/25/2010

OAQ Control Equpiment Application CE-08 Organics Condenser {52625}

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ORGANIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT: Condenser ­ INSTRUCTIONS Microsoft Word version of CE-08 Adobe PDF version of CE-08 The purpose of CE-08 (state form 52625) is to summarize all of the physical and operational parameters of a condenser used to control organic emissions. Complete this form once for each control device (or once for each set of identical control devices). CE-08 is a required form for submitting information about a condenser to IDEM, OAQ. For the purposes of this form, the term "source" refers to the plant as a whole and NOT to the individual emissions units. If you have any questions, contact the Air Permit Reviewer of the Day (PROD) at (317) 233-0178 or 1-800-451-6027 extension 3-0178 (toll free call within Indiana). Part A: Identification and Description of Control Equipment Part A identifies the organic control device and to describe its physical properties. 1. Control Equipment ID: Provide the identification number for each device used to control or limit air pollutant emissions. The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified on the Plant Layout diagram and Process Flow diagram. 2. Installation Date: Specify when the control equipment was installed. At a minimum, the month and year of installation is required. 3. Type of Condenser: Specify the type of condenser used to control air pollutant emissions. 4. Condenser Category: Specify the category of the condenser. 5. Dew Point Temperature: Provide the dew point temperature of the organic vapors. Dew point temperatures are typically provided in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). 6. Heat Transfer Efficiency: Provide the efficiency of the condenser's heat transfer process. 7. Hood Static Pressure: Provide the static pressure of the hood that vents to the control device, and include appropriate units of measure. 8. Is there a permanently installed Analyzer? Specify whether or not an analyzer is permanently installed on the condenser. 9. Is the Condenser used for Steam Stripping of Organics? Specify whether or not the condenser is used for steam stripping of organic contaminants. 10. Ice Buildup: Briefly describe the measures that will be taken to prevent ice buildup. Part B: Operational Parameters Part B provides the operational parameters of the control device and the pollutant laden gas stream. Appropriate units must be included if the standard units are not used. 11. Organic Vapor Concentration: Provide the concentration of the organic vapors prior to entering the control device, after leaving the control device, and include the calculation of the difference in concentration between the inlet and outlet of the device. You must also include the units for flow rate. Vapor concentration is typically provided in parts per million by volume (ppmv). 12. Gas Stream Flow Rate: Provide the volumetric flow rate of the gas stream prior to entering the control device, after leaving the control device, and include the calculation of the difference in flow rate between the inlet and outlet of the device. You must also include the units for flow rate. Air flow rates are typically provided in actual cubic feet per minute (acfm). 13. Gas Stream Temperature: Provide the average temperature of the gas stream prior to entering the control device, after leaving the control device, and include the calculation of the difference in temperature between the inlet and outlet of the device. You American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com must also indicate the temperature scale used. Air stream temperatures are typically provided in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). 14. Gas Stream Pressure: Provide the pressure applied to the gas stream prior to entering the control device, after leaving the control device, and include the calculation of the difference in pressure between the inlet and outlet of the device. You must also include the units of pressure. Air pressure is typically provided in inches of water (in H2O) or pounds per square inch (psi) or millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). 15. Coolant Flow Rate: Provide the volumetric flow rate of the coolant prior to entering the control device, after leaving the control device, and include the calculation of the difference in flow rate between the inlet and outlet of the device. You must also include the units for flow rate. Coolant rates are typically provided in gallons per minute (GPM). 16. Coolant Temperature: Provide the average temperature of the coolant prior to entering the control device, after leaving the control device, and include the calculation of the difference in temperature between the inlet and outlet of the device. You must also indicate the temperature scale used. Coolant temperatures are typically provided in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). 17. Vapor Pressure: Provide the pressure applied to the vapors prior to entering the control device, after leaving the control device, and include the calculation of the difference in pressure between the inlet and outlet of the device. You must also include the units of pressure. Vapor pressure is typically provided in inches of water (in H2O) or pounds per square inch (psi) or millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). 18. Other: Specify any other parameter of the control device, and provide the appropriate value for the parameter prior to entering the control device, after leaving the control device, and include the calculation of the difference between the inlet and outlet of the device. Specify the units of measure used for the control device parameter. Part C: Pollutant Concentrations Part C provides the operational parameters of the particulate control device and the pollutant laden gas stream. Appropriate units must be included if the standard units are not used. 19. Units: For each pollutant controlled, provide the units of measure for each concentration. Pollutant concentrations are typically provided in parts per million by volume (ppmv) or in milligrams per liter (mg/L) or in grains per dry standard cubic foot (gr/dscf). 20. Inlet: For each pollutant controlled, provide the concentration of the pollutant in the gas stream prior to entering the control device. 21. Outlet: For each pollutant controlled, provide the concentration of the pollutant in the gas stream after leaving the control device. 22. Efficiency: Provide a capture and control efficiency for each pollutant controlled by the control device. Capture The capture efficiency of the control device is the amount of the contaminated gas stream that is collected by t

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