Affidavit Of Surrender Of Defendant By Surety {SCCA-636} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Magistrate Court-Municipal Court 
Affidavit Of Surrender Of Defendant By Surety {SCCA-636} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 12/6/2012

Affidavit Of Surrender Of Defendant By Surety {SCCA-636}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY/MUNICIPALITY OF ________________ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA vs. Defendant. IN RE: ______________________________________ Surety ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE COURT OF __________________________________ AFFIDAVIT OF SURRENDER OF DEFENDANT BY SURETY Amount of Bond: ____________ S.S.N.: _____________________ D.O.B.: ____________________ By: _______________________ Date of Bond: _______________ PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned surety/deponent, who being duly sworn, states that he is a duly authorized representative of ______________________________________ Surety Company, who is contractually acting as surety for the above named defendant on the following ticket warrant indictment number(s) and charges:__________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________. Defendant was incarcerated by surety/deponent for a violation or imminent violation of a specific term(s) of the bail bond as sworn to below. Surety/deponent states under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this Affidavit constitutes good cause for the immediate incarceration of defendant. Defendant was incarcerated by surety/deponent law enforcement as the result of a bench warrant for a violation of a specific term(s) of the bail bond as stated in the bench warrant and sworn to below. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) Sworn to and Subscribed before me this day of Notary Public for South Carolina My Commission expires ,2 . ) ) ) ) ) Signature of Surety/Deponent Surety Company I have received custody of the above named defendant pursuant to immediate incarceration by surety bench warrant and the defendant will remain in custody until such time as notice concerning defendant is received from a clerk of court or court of competent jurisdiction. Officer: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________ Detention Facility for the: County Municipality of _______________________________ SCCA/636 (07/2008) American LegalNet, Inc.

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