Certificate Of Value Of Real Estate For Bond {SCCA-281} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Magistrate Court-Municipal Court 
Certificate Of Value Of Real Estate For Bond {SCCA-281} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 12/6/2012

Certificate Of Value Of Real Estate For Bond {SCCA-281}

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STATE OF COUTH CAROLINA ) ) CERTIFICATE OF VALUE OF COUNTY OF _____________ ) REAL ESTATE FOR BOND This is to certify that the real estate designated as: ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (Tax Map # and Address or Common Description) is vested in fee simple in the name of _______________________________________________ Property owner(s) name(s) (must list all names) and is situated in the County of ____________, State of South Carolina, the derivation of which is a Deed from __________________________ (Grantor), recorded ________________ (Date) in Book __________ at Page _________ in the Office of the Register of Deeds for ___________ County and is more particularly described in the attached Deed. This Certificate of Value is being issued so that ____________________________________________ may pledge the real Property owner(s) name(s) estate described herein as collateral for a surety bond in the amount of $______________; and this is to certify that, after deducting the amount due under all liens affecting the property and not including the value of any mobile home which may be situated on the property, the value of the property is equal to at least $_____________. I, _______________________________, do hereby certify that the foregoing document is correct and that I have conducted a title search tracing title back 62 years from current date on said property and under penalty of law certify the property is valued at the amount listed above. I have also attached a copy of the Deed to the above mentioned property listed all parties affected by the title. ______________________________ Date: ________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________ Signature, SC Bar #, and Address of Attorney SCCA/281 (4/2011) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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