Westlaw Subscriber Summary Courts User Agreement {WestlawAgreement} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Magistrate Court-Municipal Court 
Westlaw Subscriber Summary Courts User Agreement {WestlawAgreement} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 7/7/2006

Westlaw Subscriber Summary Courts User Agreement {WestlawAgreement}

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The Supreme Court of South Carolina SOUTH CAROLINA JUDICI AL DEPARTMENT WESTLAW SUBSCRIBER SUMMARY COURTS USER AGREEMENT __________________________________________ The South Carolina Judicial Department (SCJD) has entered into an agreement with West Group, dated May 1, 2002 (5/1/2002), to provide Westlaw legal research to designated personnel within SCJD. Under this agreement, the judges of the Magistrate and Municipal Courts of South Carolina are eligible to receive Westlaw legal research at no charge to your designated Magistrate or Municipal Court so long as all of the following criteria are met: 1. You must have Internet connectivity from your court and chambers. 2. You must maintain a valid email address. 3. You must only use the SCJD issued account to Westlaw legal research for official SCJD business. 4. You must sign this user agreement and have it on file with SCJD. 5. You must notify the Summary Court legal research account coordinator of any and all changes in the listed criteria within five (5) business days of the change. Any and all breaches in this agreement will be addressed by the South Carolina Judicial Department Office of Disciplinary Counsel. This agreement and your usage of the service may be reviewed by the Supreme Court or Westlaw at any time. I have read and agree to the terms of this agreement that will enable me to use the Westlaw legal research tools provided to SCJD as part of the SCJD Westlaw Subscriber Agreement, dated May 1, 2002 (5/1/2002). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: County/Municipality Signature of Judge Printed Name of Judg e Date Mailing Address: e-mail address Phone Number ( ) -

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