Search Warrant {SCCA-513} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

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Search Warrant {SCCA-513} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 7/7/2006

Search Warrant {SCCA-513}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) Form Approved by ) SEARCH WARRANT SC Attorney General COUNTY OF ) Section 19-13-160 ) March 15. 1978 TO ANY BONDED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THIS STATE OR COUNTY OR OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF : It appearing from the attached affidavit that there are reasonable grounds to believe that certain property subject to seizure under provisions of Section 17-13-140, 1976 Code of Laws of South Carolina, as amended, is located on the following premises: DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES (PERSON OR THING) TO BE SEARCHED Now, therefore, you are hereby authorized to search the subject premises for the property described below, and to seize such property if found: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY This Search Warrant shall not be valid for mre than o ten days from the date of issuance. A written inventory of all property seized pursuant to this Search Warrant shall be made to within ten days from the date of this warrant, such inventory to be signed by the officer executing this warrant, and a copy of such inventory shall be furnished to the person whose premises are searched if demand for such copy is made. A copy of this Search Warrant shall be delivered to the person in charge of the premises searched at the time of such search if practicable, and, if not, to such person as soon thereafter as is practicable; in the event the identity of the person in charge is not known or if such person cannot be found after reasonable diligence in attempting to locate the person, a copy shall be attached to a prominent place on such premises. , South Carolina Signature of Judge Dated: 20 SCCA 513 (3-1978) <<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF ) Personally appeared before me, one who being duly sworn, says , that there is probable cause to believe that certain property subject to seizure under provisions of S.C. Code Ann. 17-13-140, as amended, is located on the following premises in this County: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES (PERSON OR THING) TO BE SEARCHED PROPERTY SOUGHT IS ON THE SUBJECT PREMISES Sworn to and Subscribed before me ) day of , 2 ) ) ) Signature of Judge ) Affiant ) Address ) Phone SCCA 513 (3-1978) <<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 RETURN I received the attached Search Warrant , 20 , and have executed it as follows: On , 20 at oclock M, I searched (the person) described in the warrant and (the premises) I left a copy of the warrant with Name of person searched or "at the place of search" with. Together with a receipt for the items seized. The following is an inventory of property taken pursuant to the warrant: This inventory was made in the presence of AND . I swear that the inventory is a true and detailed account of all the property taken by me on the warrant. Sworn to and Subscribed before me ) this day of , 2 ) ) ) Signature of Judge ) (Signature of Officer Executing Warrant) ) SCCA 513 (3-1978) <<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of ___________________________________ SEARCH WARRANT ___________________________________ Date Officer ___________________________________ SCCA 513 (3-1978)

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