Court Order Restriction Of Driving Priviledges Tobacco Act Prevention-Minor {VS-200} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Magistrate Court-Municipal Court 
Court Order Restriction Of Driving Priviledges Tobacco Act Prevention-Minor {VS-200} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 12/6/2012

Court Order Restriction Of Driving Priviledges Tobacco Act Prevention-Minor {VS-200}

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South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles VS-200 Court Order Restriction of Driving Privileges Tobacco Prevention Act - Minor SECTION 1 ­ JUDGE'S NAME By order of the Honorable (print) (Est. 10/06) , the minor listed on this form shall have his/her driving privilege to operate a motor vehicle in the State of South Carolina restricted in the manner described below: SECTION 2 - MINOR'S INFORMATION Name: Address: City: Credential Number: Parent(s), Guardian or Custodian: Address: City: State: SECTION 3 - RESTRICTION INFORMATION SC Code of Law §16-17-500 (E)-(4) Tobacco Restriction- Minor Effective Date of Restriction: Termination Date of Restriction: 1. Driving privileges are restricted to driving to and from school. 2. Driving privileges are restricted to driving to and from work. 3. Driving privileges are restricted to driving to and from church. 4. Driving privileges are restricted, as the court considers appropriate (additional instructions below). 5. Minor is not licensed and the issuance of a driver's license or beginner's permit is delayed for 90 days after making application for a credential or until the minor's 18th birthday. Additional Instructions: Zip Code: State: Date of Birth: Zip Code: SECTION 4 ­ COURT INFORMATION Date: Court Name: Court Address: Judge's Signature: 1. Mail this completed form to: SC Department of Motor Vehicles, Driver Records, P.O. Box 1498, Blythewood, SC 29016-0028 2. Once this restriction is recorded, DMV will mail the original court order to the customer. 3. A copy of this court order will be kept on file at the DMV. 4. The customer is to keep this court order in his/her possession when driving during this restriction period. American LegalNet, Inc.

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