Affidavit And Claim For Immediate Delivery Of Property (Claim And Delivery) {SCCA-727} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Magistrate Court-Municipal Court 
Affidavit And Claim For Immediate Delivery Of Property (Claim And Delivery) {SCCA-727} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 8/20/2008

Affidavit And Claim For Immediate Delivery Of Property (Claim And Delivery) {SCCA-727}

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) ) STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) COUNTY OF ____________________ ) ) _____________________________________ ) PLAINTIFF(S) ) ) VS. ) ) _____________________________________ ) DEFENDANT(S) ) __________________________ CIVIL CASE NUMBER IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT AFFIDAVIT AND CLAIM FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF PROPERTY (CLAIM AND DELIVERY) Plaintiff, ___________________________________, personally appearing before me: a. States that the property in the possession of __________________________, described as: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ is believed to be in immediate danger of destruction or concealment because of the following facts: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ -ORb. states that the defendant, _________________________________ has in writing by contract or separate written instrument voluntarily, intelligently and knowingly waived his right to a hearing prior to the repossession of the property in the defendant's possession described: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Plaintiff further states that the waiver is conspicuously displayed in the contract on separate written instrument and includes the wording "Waiver of hearing prior to immediate possession". The plaintiff, because of the above information requests the immediate claim and delivery of the property described above. Sworn to before me this day of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ,2 . Magistrate or Notary Public for South Carolina My Commission expires SCCA/727 (Amended 05/2008) PLAINTIFF (or his attorney) American LegalNet, Inc. SCCA/727 (Amended 05/2008) American LegalNet, Inc.

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