Order Of Booking {SCCA-699} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Magistrate Court-Municipal Court 
Order Of Booking {SCCA-699} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 10/14/2008

Order Of Booking {SCCA-699}

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IN THE ___________________ COURT STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ) COUNTY/ MUNICIPALITY OF ) ___________________________________ ) Vs. ) ____________________________________) AKA: ______________________________ ) Race: _______Sex: _________Age: ______ ) DOB: ____________SSN: ______________) Address: ____________________________ ) ____________________________________) DL: ___________________________ ) Phone: _________________________ ) Courtesy Summons # ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Charge ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Sentence _______________ _______________ _______________ ORDER OF BOOKING PLEA/GUILTY BENCH TRIAL/GUILTY JURY TRIAL/GUILTY In the disposition of the case(s) referenced above, the Defendant is hereby ordered as a condition of sentence to appear at the _________________________ located at __________________________ on __________________ (date) at________ (time) for booking. The defendant will provide a copy of this order to the detention facility along with State Photo Identification card or Drivers License and Proof of Social Security Number. THE DEFENDANT'S FAILURE TO APPEAR ON THE ABOVE DATE AND TIME WILL RESULT IN A BENCH WARRANT FOR IMMEDIATE INCARCERATION. IT IS SO ORDERED. This ____day ___________, 20__ _______________________ Judge Court Address: _________________________________________________________________ NOTICE OF BOOKING Personally comes the undersigned, which states that on the __________day of____________ 20___, the above defendant appeared at the ___________________________ and was booked. _______________________________ Printed Name of Officer _______________________________ Signature of Officer THIS ORDER MUST BE RETURNED TO THE COURT BY THE DETENTION FACILITY AFTER BOOKING WITHIN ___________ BUSINESS DAYS. The court must fax or deliver a copy of this order to the detention center at the time of issuance. SCCA/699 (08/2008) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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