Order Of Destruction Of Temporary Restraining Order Or Mutual Order Of Protection {SCCA 517} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Magistrate Court-Municipal Court 
Order Of Destruction Of Temporary Restraining Order Or Mutual Order Of Protection  {SCCA 517} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 1/22/2014

Order Of Destruction Of Temporary Restraining Order Or Mutual Order Of Protection {SCCA 517}

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CIVIL CASE NUMBER STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) COUNTY OF _________________________ ) ) ______________________________________ ) PETITIONER(S) ) ) VS. ) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT ORDER OF DESTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER OR MUTUAL ORDER OF PROTECTION ) ______________________________________ ) RESPONDENT(S). ) This matter was brought before the Court on the ____ day of ___________________, 20___, by ____________________, Petitioner, against _______________________, Respondent, for a determination as to whether a mutual order of protection from domestic abuse was entered on __________________, 20___, that did not comply with §20-4-60; or a temporary restraining order against harassment or stalking was improperly issued on _________________, 20___, due to unknown facts pursuant to §16-3-1760(E). After considering all testimony and documentation presented, the Court makes the following findings of fact: A mutual order of protection from domestic abuse was entered that did not comply with §204-60. A mutual order of protection from domestic abuse was entered that complied with §20-4-60. A temporary restraining order against harassment or stalking was improperly issued due to unknown facts pursuant to §16-3-1760(E). A temporary restraining order against harassment or stalking was properly issued. The Court makes this finding based on: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that all records remain in place. THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that all records relating to such temporary restraining order against harassment or stalking or mutual order of protection from domestic abuse be vacated and immediately destroyed and that no evidence of such records pertaining to such charge shall be retained by any municipal, county, or state agency. IT IS SO ORDERED. _________________________________ JUDGE SCCA 517 (8/2013) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com _________________________ DATE

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