Petition And Affidavit For Discarded-Abandoned Vehicles-Property {SCCA-269} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Magistrate Court-Municipal Court 
Petition And Affidavit For Discarded-Abandoned Vehicles-Property {SCCA-269} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 12/7/2012

Petition And Affidavit For Discarded-Abandoned Vehicles-Property {SCCA-269}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ________________________ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CIVIL CASE NO: ___________________ IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT PETITION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR DISCARDED/ABANDONED VEHICLES/PROPERTY/MOBILE HOME I, ____________________________, the Plaintiff in this civil action do make the following claims: The name of the Plaintiff/Plaintiff's business/Plaintiff local official is____________________________, which is located in the ____________________________ Magisterial District in _________________ County. The business license number is ________________________ (if applicable). I make the following claims based on 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 below. 1. VEHICLE TOWED BY LAW ENFORCEMENTORDER/REQUEST: On ______________________ (date), the Plaintiff received a ___________________ (vehicle VIN and description) for towing and/or storage and as of _______________________ (current date), an amount of _______________ is owed on the above vehicle. This total amount represents: $_______ Towing, $_______ Repairs and/or $_______ Storage. a) Did this vehicle have a colored tag or other notice advising that the vehicle had been declared abandoned or derelict? ______If YES attach tag or Law Enforcement Report. b) Highway Patrol/Sheriff/Municipal Police (circle one) called to tow a vehicle from the public roadway/ public property/private property (circle one) as a result of abandonment/accident/breakdown/after an arrest (circle one) or ________________________________(other). c) I reported the vehicle to be in my possession on _________ (date) to _________________ (agency). d) I received information on ownership and lien holders on _________ (date). Copy attached. e) I have sent a Certified, Return Receipt letter to __________________________ (titleholder) on__________(date); to___________________________________(Lienholder) on_____(date). Thirty (30) days has passed and no effort has been made to claim the vehicle by this owner (Yes/No), or the letter was returned unclaimed (Yes/No). Copy attached. f) Owner/Lienholder information has been received from _______________________ State Agency. A copy is attached. g) No Ownership/Lienholder information is available after reasonable search or certified return receipt letter(s) to the owner and/or lienholder was returned unclaimed and Notice of vehicle sale was published on _________________(date) in ___________________________ (name of newspaper). Copy attached. 2. VEHICLE CUSTOMER ORDERED REPAIR/TOWING: On _________________________ (date), the Plaintiff received a ___________________________ (vehicle VIN and description) for repairs or towing and as of _____________________ (current date) an amount of ____________ is owed on the vehicle herein. This total represents: $_______ Towing, SCCA/269 (06/2007) American LegalNet, Inc. $______Repairs and/or $_______ Storage. Towing/repairs were ordered by ___________________________________ (name of person). a) On ___________ (date), I sent a Report of Unclaimed Vehicle to the South Carolina Department of Public Safety concerning this vehicle. b) On or about ________ (date), the South Carolina Department of Public Safety sent a letter to me stating that the vehicle was registered to ____________________ and that there was a lien (Yes/No) with the lienholder listed as ______________________. Copy attached. c) I sent a Certified, Return Receipt Letter to _____________ (titleholder and person ordering towing/repairs if different from titleholder) on ____________________ (date), which was received by the addressee, 30 days has passed, and no effort has been made to claim the vehicle. (Yes/No). The letter was returned unclaimed (Yes/No). Copy attached. d) The lienholder was notified, Certified, Return Receipt Letter on _____________________ (date), and the letter was received by the addressee (Yes/No). Lienholder's letter was returned unclaimed (Yes/No). Mailing date of letter is: ____________. Copy attached. e) Owner/Lienholder information has been received from _________________________State Agency. A copy is attached. f) No Ownership/Lienholder information was available after reasonable search, or the certified return receipt letter(s) to the Owner and/or Lienholder was returned unclaimed and Notice of Vehicle Sale was published on ____________ in ____________________________ (newspaper). Copy attached. 3. STOLEN VEHICLES: On ____________________ (date), the Plaintiff received a ___________________________ (vehicle VIN and description) for repairs or towing, which was stolen and as of _____________________ (current date) an amount of __________________ is owed on the vehicle herein. This total represents: $_______ Towing, $______Repairs and/or $_______ Storage. Towing/repairs were ordered by ______________________________ (name of person). a) Highway Patrol/Sheriff/Municipal Police (circle one) called to tow a vehicle from the public roadway/public property/private property (circle one) and as a result determined that the vehicle was stolen. b) I reported the vehicle to be in my possession on ___________________date to ________________ (agency). c) I received information from Law Enforcement on ownership and lienholders on ______________ (date). Copy attached. d) I have sent a Certified, Return Receipt Letter to _____________ (titleholder) on __________ (date) and to ______________________________ (lienholder) on _________________ (date). The same was received by addressee(s), 30 days has passed, and no effort has been made to claim the vehicle. (Yes/No). The letter was returned unclaimed (Yes/No). Copy attached. e) No Ownership/Lienholder information was available after reasonable search, or the certified return receipt letter(s) to the Owner and/or Lienholder was returned unclaimed and Notice of Vehicle Sale was published on ____________ in ____________________________ (newspaper). Copy attached. SCCA/269 (06/2007) American LegalNet, Inc. 4. DERELICT/ABANDONED MOBILE HOME SALE/DESTRUCTION: a) The mobile home located at _______________________________ has been (evicted) (abandoned)(declared derelict) by Court Order dated ___________________________ (copy attached) and the required notice was posted on ___________________________ (date) and remained posted for 30 days. Description of mobile home: Make __________________, Model __________________________, Vehicle Identification Number ________________________. b) A request for title information was filed with the motor ve

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