Last updated: 7/28/2015
Defendants Answer (One Years Continuous Separation) {SCCA 400.05SRL-DIV}
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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) ) ) Defendant. ) IN THE FAMILY COURT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DEFENDANT'S ANSWER (One Year's Continuous Separation) Docket No. The above named Defendant files the following Answer to the Complaint for Divorce: 1. As to paragraph 1 in the Complaint, Defendant admits each and every allegation denies each and every allegation admits so much of paragraph 1 and states the following: Defendant denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 1. 2. As to paragraph 2 in the Complaint, Defendant admits each and every allegation denies each and every allegation admits so much of paragraph 2 and states the following: Defendant denies remaining allegations in paragraph 2. 3. As to paragraph 3 in the Complaint, Defendant admits each and every allegation denies each and every allegation admits so much of paragraph 3 and states the following: Defendant denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 3. 4. As to paragraph 4 in the Complaint, Defendant admits each and every allegation denies each and every allegation admits so much of paragraph 4 and states the following: Defendant denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 4. 5. As to paragraph 5 in the Complaint, Defendant admits each and every allegation Page 1 of 3 . . . . SCCA 400.05 SRL-DIV (12/2009) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com denies each and every allegation admits so much of paragraph 5 and states the following: Defendant denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 5. 6. As to paragraph 6 in the Complaint, Defendant admits each and every allegation denies each and every allegation admits so much of paragraph 6 and states the following: Defendant denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 6. 7. As to paragraph 7 in the Complaint, Defendant admits each and every allegation denies each and every allegation admits so much of paragraph 7 and states the following: Defendant denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 7. 8. As to paragraph 8 in the Complaint, Defendant admits each and every allegation denies each and every allegation admits so much of paragraph 8 and states the following: Defendant denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 8. 9. As to paragraph 9 in the Complaint, Defendant admits each and every allegation denies each and every allegation admits so much of paragraph 9 and states the following: Defendant denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 9. 10. As to paragraph 10 in the Complaint, Defendant admits each and every allegation denies each and every allegation admits so much of paragraph 10 and states the following: Defendant denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 10. 11. As to paragraph 11 in the Complaint, Defendant admits each and every allegation denies each and every allegation admits so much of paragraph 11 and states the following: SCCA 400.05 SRL-DIV (12/2009) . . . . . . . Page 2 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Defendant denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 11. ***IF THE COMPLAINT CONTAINS MORE THAN 11 PARAGRAPHS, YOU MAY ADD ADDITIONAL PARAGRAPHS TO THIS FORM OR LIST THEM ON A SEPARATE PAGE.*** BY WAY OF COUNTERCLAIM 1. Defendant incorporates into this Answer each defense, allegation, and admission that is set forth above. 2. Name Change Defendant requests to resume the former name of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as amended. Defendant does not request to resume the former name. 3. In addition to the above statements, Defendant would ask the Court for the following: 4. Having fully answered the Complaint, Defendant requests this Court issue its , pursuant to §20-3-180 of order granting the parties divorce, a vinculo matrimonii, on the ground of a one year's continuous separation. 5. For an Order of this Court granting Defendant name change pursuant to §20-3- 180 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as amended (if applicable). Defendant's Signature Printed Name of Defendant Street Address City, State, Zip Telephone No. Date: Page 3 of 3 SCCA 400.05 SRL-DIV (12/2009) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com
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