Order To Pay Support Through Court {SCCA-455} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

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Order To Pay Support Through Court {SCCA-455} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 2/21/2022

Order To Pay Support Through Court {SCCA-455}

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) ) COUNTY OF ______________________ ) ) ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) ) ) Defendant. ) STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE FAMILY COURT ____JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ORDER TO PAY THROUGH COURT Docket No. ___________________________ Plaintiff Attorney: __________________________ Defendant Attorney: ________________________ Guardian ad Litem: ________________________ Hearing Date: _____________________________ Judge: ___________________________________ Court Reporter: ____________________________ An order dated ( / / ) directed the Defendant, _______________________, to pay support directly to the Plaintiff, __________________________. It further ordered that in the event that the payments became _____ days late, support would be paid through the Clerk of Court upon filing of an Affidavit by the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff filed an Affidavit on ( arrearage of $ __________ as of ________. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that effective ( / / ) the Defendant shall begin / / ) stating that the Defendant has an paying support through the __________________ County Clerk of Court at ______________________________________ in the amount of $ __________ per _______ for current support plus 5% collection cost for a total payment of total arrears is set at $ __________ as of ( / / $ _________ per ________. The ) plus 5% collection cost. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that in the event that Defendant objects to any of the above, s(he) must contact the Clerk of Court in writing within 10 days of the date of this order and a hearing will be scheduled for this matter to be heard by the court. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Date: _______________, 20___ ____________________, S.C. Support Information Sheet (SCCA 446) must accompany this Order. _____________________________ Family Court Judge SCCA 455 (12/2009) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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