Affidavit - Inactivation Of Child Support Account {SCCA-438} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

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Affidavit - Inactivation Of Child Support Account {SCCA-438} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 7/11/2012

Affidavit - Inactivation Of Child Support Account {SCCA-438}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) COUNTY OF ___________________________ ) ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. ) ) ) Defendant. ) IN THE FAMILY COURT _____ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT AFFIDAVIT AND ORDER INACTIVATION OF CHILD SUPPORT ACCOUNT Docket No. _________________________________ PERSONALLY appeared before me_________________________, who being duly sworn, states under oath that (s)he is a custodian of records of the Clerk of Court for _____________________ County, and that the court records indicate that a diligent search has been made for ____________________________________, the obligor/obligee, but that ( he/ she) cannot be located. In particular: _________________________________________________________________________________________. Sworn to and Subscribed before me this day of Notary Public for South Carolina My Commission expires ) ) ) ) ) ) , 2 ORDER ­ INACTIVATION OF SUPPORT ACCOUNT I find that Family Court Rule 24 requires the Clerk of Court to conduct a monthly review of all support accounts paid through the court, and directs the Clerk to issue a Rule to Show Cause against every obligor more than five (5) working days in arrears; and, I further find that the issuance of a Rule to Show Cause in this case would serve no useful purpose because _______________________, the obligor/obligee, cannot be located and ___________________. THEREFORE, IT IS SO ORDERED that the above-captioned case be placed in inactive status because the obligor's/obligee's whereabouts are unknown and the Clerk is hereby excused from monitoring and enforcing this case pursuant to Family Court Rule 24. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the Clerk of Court shall serve a copy of this order upon the obligor/obligee by first class mail. A case removed from active status may be restored upon filing of an Affidavit and Order (SCCA 450) with the Clerk of Court stating the current address of the obligor/obligee within the State of South Carolina. Other: ______________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________, 20___ Family Court Judge ________________________ , S.C. SCCA 438 (4/2010) American LegalNet, Inc.

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