Motion To Dismiss Support Payments {SCCA-442} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

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Motion To Dismiss Support Payments {SCCA-442} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 7/11/2012

Motion To Dismiss Support Payments {SCCA-442}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ________________________________ Plaintiff vs. Defendant. The Obligee, ________________________, states that The parties have reconciled; All children have become emancipated; ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE FAMILY COURT ____ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MOTION AND ORDER TO DISMISS/MODIFY SUPPORT Docket No. ______________________________ The Obligee requests dismissal of ongoing support in the amount of $____________ per ______________. The Obligee understands that the ongoing support will no longer accrue. However, the Obligee requests that the arrears in the amount of $______________ be paid at the rate of $_____________ per ______________. The Obligee requests dismissal of arrears in the amount of $________________. The Obligee understands that the arrears will no longer be due. However, the Obligee requests that the ongoing support in the amount of $______________ per ______________ continue until further order. Other: ______________________________________________________________________________ And it is respectfully requested the court enter an order modifying the Obligor's support obligation without further hearing. Witness: Clerk/Deputy Clerk of Court (To Obligee's Signature) Witness: Clerk/Deputy Clerk of Court (To Obligor's Signature) ORDER IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Obligor's support obligation be modified as requested above terminated as requested above Obligor Obligee other: ___________________________________________________________. Date: __________________, 20____ _______________________, S.C. FAMILY COURT JUDGE Custodial Parent (if applicable): _______________________________________________________________________ SCCA 442 (4/2010) American LegalNet, Inc.

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