Order Of Probation Non Status Offenses (Juvenile Delinquent) {SCCA-494} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

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Order Of Probation Non Status Offenses (Juvenile Delinquent) {SCCA-494} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 2/21/2022

Order Of Probation Non Status Offenses (Juvenile Delinquent) {SCCA-494}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF __________________________ A JUVENILE A Child under Seventeen (17) Years of Age ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE FAMILY COURT ____ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ORDER OF PROBATION (Non-Status Offenses) Docket No. _______________________________ Plaintiff Attorney: ______________________________________ Defendant Attorney: ____________________________________ Guardian ad Litem:__________________________________ Hearing Date: _______________________ Judge: _____________________________ Court Reporter: ______________________ On ( / / ), a verified petition was filed in the Court by _____________________ alleging that he/ she) on ( / / ) (date) in the above named minor was a delinquent child in that ( __________________________ County, S. C. did: _______________________________________________ in violation of Section(s) ___________________________________ Code of Laws of South Carolina (1976). An ADJUDICATORY HEARING was held on ( The minor ( admitted guilt to/ / / ). was adjudicated delinquent for) having _______________________________________________________ in violation of Section(s) ________________________________________________ Code of Laws of South Carolina (1976). A DISPOSITIONAL HEARING was held on ( FINDS AND CONCLUDES AS FOLLOWS: THIS COURT FINDS AND CONCLUDES AS FOLLOWS: A. B. That this Court has jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this action. That this minor is a suitable candidate to be placed on probation and to be supervised on probation by the Department of Juvenile Justice. C. That it is in the best interest of this minor that (he)/(she) be committed to the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice Services, for an indeterminate period not to exceed (his)/(her) twenty-first birthday, unless sooner released by proper authority, suspended upon compliance with terms of probation. D. Other: __________________________________________________________________________ / / ) (date) and as a result THIS COURT SCCA 494 (12/2009) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED: 1. That this minor be committed to the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice, for an indeterminate period not to exceed (his)/(her) twenty-first birthday, unless sooner released by proper authority, suspended upon compliance with terms of probation. 2. That the minor shall comply with the following terms of probation: a. b. You shall report to your Probation Counselor as often as you are told to. You shall keep all appointments with other agencies to which you may be sent by the Court or by your Probation Counselor. c. You shall have no unexcused absences from school, obey the rules of your school and do your school work to the best of your ability. d. You shall cooperate with your parents and obey their rules or the rules of the home in which you live. e. f. You shall cooperate with your probation counselor. You shall be home by a certain hour every night. The hour you are to be home shall be set by the Court, or by your probation counselor in conjunction with your parents. g. h. i. j. person. k. 3. Other conditions: ______________________________________________________________. You shall not be with any person who is committing a crime or breaking the law. You shall not commit any crimes or break any laws. You shall not use any type of illegal drugs or drink any form of alcoholic beverages. You shall not have in your possession any type of weapon which could be used to hurt another Other: _____________________________________________________________________________ AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Date: ____________________, 20____ FAMILY COURT JUDGE ______________________, S.C. SCCA 494 (12/2009) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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