Report Of Divorce Or Annulment Of Marriage {DHEC-0682} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Family Court   General 
Report Of Divorce Or Annulment Of Marriage {DHEC-0682} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 9/9/2024

Report Of Divorce Or Annulment Of Marriage {DHEC-0682}

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DHEC-0682 - REPORT OF DIVORCE OR ANNULMENT OF MARRIAGE. This form is used to officially document and report the dissolution of a marriage through divorce or annulment in South Carolina. This form collects important information about both the plaintiff and defendant, including personal details such as names, dates of birth, place of birth, residence, and the number of previous marriages. The form also records specifics about the marriage, the decree (whether it's an absolute divorce or annulment), and details of the court's decision, such as the county of decree, docket number, and the date the decree was filed. The Clerk of Court signs to certify the dissolution. Confidential statistical information is collected, such as the last four digits of the plaintiff and defendant's Social Security numbers, race, sex, and attorney information. This information is used for record-keeping and statistical purposes but does not appear on certified copies of the report.

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