Motion For Further Relief (Order of Protection) {SCCA-418} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Family Court   General 
Motion For Further Relief (Order of Protection) {SCCA-418} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 7/11/2012

Motion For Further Relief (Order of Protection) {SCCA-418}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ______________________ Plaintiff, vs. Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE FAMILY COURT ____JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MOTION FOR FURTHER RELIEF (Order of Protection) (For Use in Family Court) Docket No. __________________________________ An action for ____________________________________ is pending under the above-referenced docket number. In accordance with S.C. Code Ann. §20-4-40(d), I respectfully request this court to grant this Motion for an Order of Protection. 1. The person who caused the abuse lives at ___________________________________________ (street address) in or near the town or city of __________________________, which is in ___________________ County, and the State of ____, and is identified in the pending action as the ( Plaintiff/ Defendant). The person who was abused is identified in the pending action as the ( That the abuser and the victim are husband and wife and ( do/ Plaintiff/ Defendant). 2. 3. 4. do not) have minor children. The abuse happened at (address/location) _______________________ on ( / / ) at ____:____, ( a.m./ p.m.) when ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) did this: _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________. I ask this court to grant the following temporary relief (check as many as apply and supply information) a. issue an Order of Protection which prohibits and forbids ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) from abusing, threatening to abuse, or molesting, or engaging in any other conduct that would place ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) in reasonable fear of bodily injury. b. issue an Order of Protection which restrains and prohibits ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) from using, attempting to use, or threatening to use physical force against Plaintiff that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily injury. c. issue an Order of Protection which restrains, prohibits, and forbids ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) from communicating or attempting to communicate with ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) in any way, and from entering or attempting to enter the home of the victim, place of employment, education, or other location as the Court may order. d. issue an Order granting ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) temporary custody of the following minor child(ren). Child Name DOB 4. 5. 6. e. issue an Order Defendant). granting reasonable visitation or denying visitation to the ( Plaintiff/ Child Name DOB 5. 1. 2. 3. SCCA 418 (12/2009) American LegalNet, Inc. f. issue an Order granting ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) temporary child support. ((SCCA 430 - Financial Declaration) MUST be completed and attached.) g. issue an Order granting ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) temporary financial support. ((SCCA 430 - Financial Declaration) MUST be completed and attached.) h. issue an Order granting ( home and furnishings. i. issue an Order which forbids ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) from transferring, selling destroying, Plaintiff/ Plaintiff/ Defendant) temporary exclusive use and possession of the encumbering, or otherwise disposing of real or personal property belonging to ( Defendant) or jointly owned. j. issue an Order which gives ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) assistance from law enforcement in that ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) will be accompanied: (1) in removing personal property from _______________________________ (Street Address) in ___________________________ (City) _________________(County), South Carolina. (2) in placing ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) in possession of the home and furnishings at ___________________________________ (Street Address) in ___________________________ (City) _________________(County), South Carolina. k. issue an Order reimbursing ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) for costs and attorney's fees. l. hold a hearing within 15 days of the date of filing these papers. m. hold an emergency hearing within 24 hours. n. issue an Order granting ( Plaintiff/ Defendant) the following additional relief: __________________________________________________________________________________ Sworn to before me this ______day of ____________________, 20____ ________________________________ Notary Public for South Carolina ___________________________________ Plaintiff My commission expires ___________________ NOTICE TO NON-MOVING PARTY: YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO EMPLOY COUNSEL TO REPRESENT YOU. SCCA 418 (12/2009) American LegalNet, Inc.

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