Juvenile Detention Order {SCCA-484} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

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Juvenile Detention Order {SCCA-484} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 2/21/2022

Juvenile Detention Order {SCCA-484}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF __________________________ A JUVENILE A Child under Seventeen (17) Years of Age ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE FAMILY COURT ____ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT JUVENILE DETENTION ORDER Docket No. ________________________________ Plaintiff Attorney: _______________________________ Defendant Attorney: ______________________________ Guardian ad Litem:_______________________________ Hearing Date: ______________________ Judge: ____________________________ Court Reporter: ____________________ This matter came before the Family Court of the ____ Judicial Circuit on ( / / ) for the purpose of determining whether ____________________________, a minor less than seventeen (17) years of age, should be detained or released. The Court finds that it has jurisdiction of this minor for the purpose of determining whether ( she) should be detained. The Court considering the allegations recited in the Petition dated ( / / ) and filed by (the) he/ _________________________, the detention screening report prepared by the Department of Juvenile Justice, both by reference made a part hereof and the testimony and other evidence presented to the Court finds that the release of this minor would be contrary to ( his)/ her) welfare, as well as contrary to the welfare of the public, that detention is justified, based upon one or more of the detention criteria set forth in Section 63-19-810, and that there is probable cause to believe that this minor committed the following acts: ___________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ and may _____________________________________ if released pending a hearing on the petition cited above. The Court being advised as to the best interest of this juvenile, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that ______________________________ ( until further Order of this Court. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the need for the detention of this child shall be reviewed by this Court pursuant to Rule 31, S.C.R.F.C. and the Solicitor shall make a timely request for a hearing so that the hearing may be scheduled within seven (7) days from the date of this Order. Date: ________________________, 20____ FAMILY COURT JUDGE _______________________, S.C. be placed/ remain) in detention at the ________________________ SCCA 484 (12/2009) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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