Last updated: 4/22/2022
Support Order (Final) {SCCA-433}
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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) COUNTY OF ________________________ ) ) ) ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) ) ) Defendant. ) IN THE FAMILY COURT _____JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FINAL SUPPORT ORDER Docket No. ___________________________ Hearing Date: ___________________ Judge: _________________________ Court Reporter: __________________ Plaintiff Attorney: ______________________________ Defendant Attorney: ____________________________ Guardian ad Litem: _____________________________ AT A HEARING held on the date shown above, the Court determined it has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties in this action. The Court considered facts and circumstances which may include both parties' incomes, abilities to pay, education, expenses and assets, needs of the children and their standard of living. Based upon this evidence, the Court makes these findings of fact. 1. 2. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties in this action. The following dependent(s) are children of the Defendant and are in need of financial support: Date of Birth Child's Name Date of Birth Child's Name Paternity 3. The Defendant admits to being the parent of the dependent child(ren) listed above. By this Order, the Defendant is found to be the parent of and owes a duty of support to these child(ren). 4. Paternity tests were conducted for the child(ren) on ( / / ). The paternity tests indicate a _____% probability of paternity of the Defendant for the above-named child(ren). By this Order, the Defendant is found to be the father of and owes a duty of support to these child(ren). Income and Expenses 5. The Defendant's gross income is $___________ per __________. 6. The Plaintiff's gross income is $___________ per __________. 7. Day care expenses for the child(ren) are $___________ per __________. 8. The cost of insurance is $___________ per __________ which is paid by the _________. 9. Defendant contributes _____________ in support for _______ other children. SCCA 433 (4/2010) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Child Support 10. A prior order in this case dated ( / / ) from _____________________ required the Defendant to pay $______________ per ____________________ in support for his/her child(ren). 11. The Defendant owes a child support arrearage of $____________________ in this case. 12. S.C. Child Support Guidelines show the total combined child support obligation to be $_____________ per month and would require Defendant to provide Plaintiff $________________________ per month towards child support. There are no facts warranting significant deviation from the guidelines except as noted: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: A. B. C. Defendant is declared the parent of the above named child(ren). The Defendant owes a child suppot arrearage of $____________________ in this case. The Defendant shall pay ongoing child support payments of $____________________, plus $____________________ towards the arrearage, plus five percent (5%) court costs, for a total payment of $______________ per __________________, beginning ___________________. Each payment shall be made payable to the ___________________Family Court, shall contain the Family Court file number and the Defendant's full name. The Defendant's child support obligation shall continue until the child support/arrears are fully paid. The Defendant shall pay the amount as ordered until the minor child(ren) are emancipated or until further order of the Court. This does not prevent anyone from seeking a post-secondary education support order. Failure to pay child support obligations may result in, but is not limited to, an action for contempt of court which may be punishable by a fine or imprisonment. Further, a bench warrant may be issued for your arrest. D. E. F. G. Income Withholding H. I. Income withholding is ordered pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 63-17-1410 or Wage withholding is not ordered due to good cause. Health Insurance J. Defendant shall provide and maintain health insurance coverage for the children and shall provide proof of coverage to _____________________________ by ( / / ). The Defendant agrees to notify _______________________________ when health insurance is changed. Health insurance is not reasonably available. Defendant shall pay ____ % of all unreimbursed health expenses in excess of $250.00 per year per child. The Plaintiff shall be responsible for all remaining unreimbursed health expenses. K. L. SCCA 433 (4/2010) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Title IV-D (Department of Social Services) Child Support Case: M. This case is a Title IV-D (Department of Social Services) child support case and is subject to the following: Defendant shall pay $_______________ for the cost of paternity test by ( / / ). Payment shall be made to the attention of Child Support Enforcement Division, P.O. Box 1520, Columbia, SC 29202-1520. The Qualified Medical Child Support Order(s) shall be submitted as needed. Failure to pay child support obligations may result in, but is not limited to, any or all of the following actions: revocation of any license you hold, reporting of your delinquent status to the credit bureau, interception of your federal and state income tax refunds, and/or interception of any other payment due to you from the federal government. Any party may request, in writing, a review of his/her child support order for possible adjustment thirty-six (36) months from the date of this order or thirty-six (36) months from the date of the last review of this order. A written request for review must be made to the S.C. Department of Social Services, Child Support Enforcement Division. N. Pursuant to the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act and S.C. Code Ann. § 63-17-2900 et seq. this State has continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over this Order. O. All future notices or correspondence shall be sent to the Plaintiff and Defendant at the addresses on file with the court. The Plaintiff and Defendant shall advise the Court, within ten (10) days, of everty change in mailing address or employment. Failture to do so can result in future hearings held in your absence. P. Other: ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________
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Notice And Motion To Extend Order Of Protection
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