Rule To Show Cause - Truancy {SCCA-493} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

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Rule To Show Cause - Truancy {SCCA-493} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 4/22/2022

Rule To Show Cause - Truancy {SCCA-493}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF _______________________ A JUVENILE A Child under Seventeen (17) Years of Age ) IN THE FAMILY COURT ) ____ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ) ) ) ) RULE TO SHOW CAUSE ) (Truancy) ) ) ) ) Docket No. ____________________________ TO THE JUVENILE ABOVE NAMED AND_________________________________, THE PARENTS OR GUARDIANS: Upon reading the Petition of ___________________________________, it appears that this is a proper matter for the granting of a hearing. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the above named juvenile(s) and ( his/ her) parents or guardians, ________________________________________, appear before the Family Court in__________________________, South Carolina on ( a.m./ p.m.) to show cause why the juvenile(s) and ( his/ / / ) (date) at ___:___ ( her) parents or guardians should not be required to strictly comply with the provisions of the South Carolina Compulsory School Attendance law with respect to said minor children, and why an Order authorized by Code Section 59-65-60 should not issue. IT IS SO ORDERED. Date: _______________________, 20___ FAMILY COURT JUDGE ____________________________, S.C. SCCA 493 (12/2009) American LegalNet, Inc.

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