Certificate Of Exemption {SCRFCMFORM02} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

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Certificate Of Exemption {SCRFCMFORM02} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 3/3/2016

Certificate Of Exemption {SCRFCMFORM02}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) ) ) Defendant. ) IN THE FAMILY COURT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Docket No. I certify that this action is exempt from mediation based on the following: This is a contempt action. This action involves issues of custody or visitation, but these issues were submitted to mediation with a certified mediator prior to filing this action. Other showing of exceptional circumstances: _________________________________________________________________________ Custody and visitation are not an issue in this action because there are no children. Custody and visitation are not contested in this action because the parties have agreed that custody shall be with Plaintiff/ Defendant. Submitting Party Signature: _____________________________________ Date: Print Name: Attorney for Plaintiff Defendant or Self Represented Litigant SC Bar # (if applicable): SCRFCMFORM02 (12/2015) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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